Calm in a Crisis

One of the most useful yoga and meditation techniques is learning how to keep calm when faced with a crisis or when you may be feeling anxious / stressed.

Deep breathing is one technique I highly recommend speaking from personal experience (it was my #1 go-to for natural childbirth – twice!) It might sound too simple to be true but the benefits to calming the mind can be truly amazing. 

If the crisis allows for it, try to walk away from the situation briefly, and find a quiet space – just for yourself.

Sit in a comfortable upright position. Gently close your eyes and inhale from your nose as you expand your belly, retain your breath for a count of 5 seconds then slowly exhale through your nose as your diaphragm muscle contracts inwards. Aim for approximately five deep breaths and feel free to continue to take a few more breaths if you feel the need. You should feel lighter, more relaxed and centred afterwards to better deal with the crisis.

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